Lets VET together
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
In the period from 19th to 23rd February, 2024, the second of three international trainings about project development, was held in Shkoder, Albania.
The third day started with presentation of Regional Challenge Fund project by Montenegrin partners Danka Markuš and Marina Braletić, winners of three RCF grants. They explained what is it, what are the criteria, who can apply and how, and showed examples of approved projects. The first part of the day was finished with the presentation about approved RCF project from local school, by Erjona Puka.
The second part of the day started with presentations by students involved in RCF projects from Montenegro. Students presented how did they spent their practical classes in companies and what is the result of it. At the end of day, the Montenegrin partners shared their experience, since realization of first granted project has started last year.
First part of the fifth day, advanced participants had an online presentation about EU project, concrete example of how to find funds for project, how to plan the application, what are the considerations and activities, by our Slovenian partner Nataša Kristan, Šolski Center, Kranj. Using the ERASMUS platform, the participants got acquainted with the new project proposal which includes partners from our project, so they took the opportunity to discuss about activities and tasks.
In the second part of the day, advanced participants presented their results of the work on applications. It was good for new participants to see that in this stage of training, every country group has almost filled application form for actual project proposal.
As the previous one, this training ended with agreement about home task and filling in online evaluation questionnaires in order for the external evaluator to sum up the feedback from all.
The training was performed by:
Ms. Bodil Mygind Madsen, European Senior Manager
Mrs. Niels Christian Frøkjær Vestergaard, European Senior Manager
Ms. Danka Markuš, teacher and school project coordinator
Ms. Marina Braletić, teacher and school project coordinator
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
Opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” March 22, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The first opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”