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Promotion of VET Educations
in Western Balkans

Over the past five months, campaigns promoting Vocational Education and Training (VET) have been successfully implemented in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Montenegro. The six Western Balkan project partners executed approximately 30 diverse activities as part of these campaigns.

These initiatives ranged from traditional to highly innovative. Highlights include posters, TV spots and programs, radio interviews, and the production of branded t-shirts, bottles, pens, notebooks, and bags.

Other creative efforts featured a zeppelin displaying the VET slogan, billboards at bus stations and along roads, a promotional video, a 3D game, participation in fairs, a magic cube, Open Days at schools, Girls’ Day events, and visibility on national news portals.

While we cannot guarantee that every citizen in the Western Balkans has heard about VET and the “VET for the Western Balkans” initiative, we can assure you that in the last five months, they have had ample opportunity to do so!

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Opera for children
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Promotion of VET education

The Chamber of Economy of Montenegro has organized a huge fair for Promoting European projects.

The open-air performance

The performance was the product of the work of students from Hysen Çela in cooperation with students from another VET school middle high school “Vëllezërit Haradinaj”.


Female VET students from Hamdi Bushati and their mentors organized Girls’ Day