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Mobility of students and teachers
from Kosovo to Slovenia
(3rd week)

March 16 to March 22, 2024|

In accordance with all previous agreements, a group of 4 students and 2 professors traveled to Kranj from the IAAP school “Rifat Gjota”, Peja (Kosovo) on Friday, March 1, 2024. Students Elma Panxha and Elena Hajdari and students Adi Kollqaku and Rinor Lokaj will stay in Kranj for a whole month, until Friday, March 29, when they will return home.
Two professors were with them in Kranj for the first two weeks of the exchange, namely Mrs. Fikreta Mehović and Mr. Lulzim Mulliqi, and the third and fourth weeks of the exchange will be held in Kranj by Mrs. Ganimete Nikçi and Mrs. Rina Vuthi – Hysenaj.

16th day of the visit, 16 March 2024. On Saturday, all four students, as well as Mrs. Ganimete Nikçi and Mrs. Rina Vuthi – Hysenaj, together with the head of the VET for Western Balkans project go. Bodil Mygind Madsen under the leadership of  Nataše Kristan Primšar and Viktor Stare visited the sights of Ljubljana. These are the Opera House, Tromostovje, Dragon Bridge, Ljubljana Castle, Market, etc.
The architecture of “old Ljubljana” is considered brilliant, because its creators, regardless of the historical period, were always distinctly creative, and at the same time they paid attention to every detail, no matter how small. Among them, the architect Jože Plečnik stands out the most, who did as much for Ljubljana as Gaudi did for Barcelona.

17th day of the visit, 17 March 2024. Sunday, free.

18th day of the visit, 18 March 2024. On Monday, three students with a technical orientation went for practical training at the company ISKRA PRO d.o.o. The basic activity of the company Iskra Pro Kranj, d.o.o. is the production of machines and devices intended for the automation of production processes. The tradition of this activity dates back to 1952, when Iskra started, primarily for its own needs, the design and production of such products. It was carried out in the tool shop unit, where the most appropriate capacities were available for this purpose. The scope of production expanded together with the company Iskra, which in 1990 brought together over 30,000 employees in various companies in Slovenia.


A student attending a high school program in Kosovo, which focuses on architecture and construction, went to the company SKA Aleksander Krašovec s.p. for practical training. In the mentioned company, they are engaged in:

  •  by editing and obtaining project documentation,
    with interior design planning,
  • by obtaining permits for real estate legalization,
  • by designing,
  • by supervising constructions,
  • by making plans for new constructions,
  • by obtaining construction permits in the framework of planning (PGD), etc.

For both teachers, Mrs. Ganimete Nikçi and Mr. Rino Vuthi – Hysenaj, who came to Kranj as a 2nd shift, special activities were organized on Monday, 18 March 2024. Nataša Kristan Primšar gave them information about mobility, and they also listened to a lecture by the practical education organizer for the Secondary Technical School, Mr. Miloš Frelih. They were also given a tour of the school and a tour of Kranj.

19th day of the visit, 19 March 2024. On Tuesday, Mrs. Ganimete Nikçi and Mrs. Rina Vuthi – Hysenaj listened to lectures on robotics.

20th day of the visit, 20 March 2024. On Wednesday, both teachers listened to a lecture by Mrs. Gabrijele Krajnc about CISCO Academy.

21st day of the visit, 21 March 2024. On Wednesday, both teachers listened to a lecture by Mr. Gabrijele Krajnc about Operating Systems 2 and staples.

Day 22 of the visit, 22 March 2024. The two teachers, Ganimete and Rina, attended a robotics workshop with lecturer Domen Kepic and already tried to operate the robot.

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