Lets VET together
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
The first day began with a detailed explanation of the “Programme Management Training VET4WB” for schools from Montenegro (ETŠ “Vaso Aligrudić”) and Albania (Alternative Pro). Udo Lut, Advisor international Affairs of Landstede, presented the education system in the Netherlands. to the participants. For them it was interesting to see that the primary school starts at the age of 4, as well as different possibilities before enrolling in secondary.
Monique Hanekamp and Peter van Engen, educational advisors of Landstede, presented the vision of the school with a detailed explanation. The participants got a lot of information about how and for what period of time teachers and team leaders are been informed, for example, new colleagues and new students start with an explanation of the vision of the school. The advisors presented an “education platform”, they call it e-TO. e-TO is used for measuring the progress of the students and examination. It is digital instrument.
After lunch break Peter van Engen explained who ‘workbased learning’ works in The Netherlands. Between 40% and 60% of the learning period students learn in practice. The practical training must be sufficient. Otherwise the student can not pass his examen.
As last part of the first day Sammie Visser and Erik Raterink, both counsellors, introduced to the dynamics and method of solving the study problems of students.
By the end of the day the participants got a diner prepared and served by students. For the students it was a practical training.
On the second day the participants of Montenegro visited the Technical department of Landstede, together with Monique Hanekamp. The reception of the participants was done by the director Jens de Craen and team leader Leon van Leeuwen. They gave a presentation about their school. They explained the way of organizing the school and division of roles. Director Jens de Craen explained how the director is chosen or appointed, and that the announcement of the competition (as well as the conditions of the competition itself) depends on the needs of the school (needs/background of directors). In his case, the advantage over other candidates was that the competition required experience in working in the private sector for industrial technology. The director mentioned that the visit was the first international one for him because he has been in the position for less than a year.
After the presentation the participants did a tour in the school, which took more than three hours. During the tour they met teachers and students and could asked them all kind of questions.
After the tour the participants met 4 coaches. The coaches are responsible for the mentoring of the students.
The participant from Albania visited the department Beauty and Fashion of Landstede. The team leader Jan Willem van den Boogert did a presentation about the school and gave a tour in school. The participant from Albania had the opportunity to meet teachers and students and could ask them all kind of questions.
On the third day all participants visited the ICT department of Landstede. They visited the following departments: IT, graphic design, audio and video production, software development and photography. The participants had the opportunity to talk with the students, hear what they do and what software they use for work. The participants noticed that there is a great similarity, that is, that the students in the Balkan also use the same software. The tour of the rooms/classrooms was impressive for them, because the environment in which they work is very creative and greatly influences the motivation of teachers and students.
In the classroom for graphic design the participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the equipment and the premises, and the fact that that students can borrow some of the equipment (serious equipment!) they need (cameras, mixers, microphones, sound recorders, cameras, drones, photo stands, etc.).
The fourth day began with a visit to ROC Aventus – a VET centre in Apeldoorn. ROC Aventus offering the same kind of education as Landstede.
The meeting started in the director’s office and on this occasion they spoke with the school director Michaela de Kort and team leader Ria van Helden. The participants were impressed by the size of the centre and the ambience in which classes are held for students.
The participants got a tour in school and got the opportunity to meet teachers and students.
In the afternoon, the participants visited ‘Het Loo’. Once a royal palace, now a museum about the history of the Dutch royal family.
The fifth day started with a visit to Deltion College. A VET centre in Zwolle. At the beginning, the participants had a meeting with the director of the institution, Marijn Mooij, who introduced them the VET centre. He gave a presentation about the vision and mission of the VET centre and the way the classes are organized. The director emphasized that their vision is constantly evolving, they are always open to new ideas and improvements.
After the presentation they did a tour. The participants went to technical department and the department Beauty of Deltion College.
The day ended at the place (Landstede) where the management training started. Udo Lut evaluated the week with the participants. They had to fill in two questionnaires and shared their experiences and learning outcomes of the training.
The main findings of the participants were:
The student is the starting point of the education: students choose their own level and can do their exam when they are ready.
A mission and vision help schools to determine the direction they want.
Each school receives a lumpsum finance. Schools have a certain independency to spend the money.
Schools work with teams and team leaders, who can work independently within a chosen frame work.
Schools have digital systems to monitor the study progress of the students.
Each school has a system of coaching and guiding of students.
Workbased learning is a very important part of education.
Schools in the Netherlands are well equipped.
Soft skills are also an important part of the curricula.
The atmosphere in the classrooms is informal.
The most important learning outcomes of the participants were:
” Vaso Aligrudić”, the school from Montenegro, will start with teams of teachers.
” Vaso Aligrudić” is writing their own mission and vision.
” Vaso Aligrudić” want to introduce soft skills.
Alternative Pro from Albania want a better system of coaching and guiding of students.
Alternative Pro want to organise international internships for their students.
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
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