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Training in robotics in Bosnia and Herzegovina with Slovenian trainer

As part of the VET for Western Balkans project, lecturer Domen Kepic (ŠC Kranj) taught robotics to professors at the »Srednja škola metalskih zanimanja« in Sarajevo in the period from 23rd January to 27th January 2023. Profesors from the »Srednja škola metalskih zanimanja«  and “Elektrotehnička škola Vaso Aligrudić” from Podgorica in Montenegro took part in the course.

For the purpose of teaching, the company KNT d. o. o. lent a dobot robotic arm, for which we sincerely thank them. The ABB Robot Studio program was used during the course.
The feedback from the training audience was very positive.

Let us remind you that the principal  Irma Behlulović and Professor Eldin Gabrovica met with Domen Kepic during the management training from 21st November to 25th November, 2022, which took place in Kranj. They agreed on the content of the training  in the field of robotics for teachers from Sarajevo and Podgorica in January 2023 in Sarajevo.  Together with the principal of VSŠ ŠC Kranj Lidija Grmek Zupanc they visited the company KNT from Škofja Loka, which lent a robotic arm free of charge to train teachers in Sarajevo.  In KNT they also discussed how and if the equipment could be purchased by  »Srednja škola metalskih zanimanja« in Sarajevo as they have a great desire to modernise education.

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