Lets VET together
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
At the very beginning, the students left a good impression by presenting the school and Montenegro, and it didn’t take us long to make friends with Albanian teachers Lidiana Koçkiçi and Marta Koleci and students. We heard basic things about the Danish education system and in more detail about the way Tradium works. We all expressed our expectations and showed our readiness to spend the next 4 weeks in the best possible way!
How it went?
Student Sara spent almost 4 weeks in the company. Colleagues from the company were ready to instruct her in their way of working. She worked on the application that their company needs regarding the digitalization of imports and exports of products, the application was made using Flutter to be responsive on iOS and Android.
Students Jelena, Ilija and Luka spent almost 4 weeks at school. As well as Sara they too left a very good impression from the first day, so teacher Per Andersen put the students in front of new challenges every day. During their stay at Tradium, they visited the company Paul Tarp A/S and made some contacts that could be useful to them in the future. In the school, in addition to technical practice, they worked on critical thinking as well as a creative approach to problem solving. There were many challenges, but after this experience, they learned that a calm and well-designed approach solves every obstacle.
First group of teacher impression
Beside visiting Blommevej center Tradium where our guide showed us how does the things work there (especially the most interesting area for us – electrical departmant
Coordinator Bodil Mygind Madsen spent day with us teachers from Montenegro and Albania. Showed us SOSU Center, gave us some lessions of Danish language, took us to moesgaard museum, then beach and at the end of the great day we had dinner at beautiful restourant with a great landscape!
By the weekend, we had already made friends with the team from Albania, so the evening socializing with watching movies, playing board games or recording videos to promote the project became an integral part of the day. The first day of the weekend we all spent together visiting the Zoo Tropical Center.
Teachers Marina Braletić and Danka Markuš, had a few very interesting and important meetings. Meeting with Michael Jacobsen, head of the interantional department. We learned a lot of things about education in Danmark. This meeting was of great importance to us because of dissemination to our colleagues and the local community in our country.
We also had a very interesting meeting with education manager Lukke Kristensen and coordinator Louise Aborg Weje not only about motivating students (which was supposed to be the main topic) but also about overcoming many obstacles that stand in the way of good education! One of our common goals is to attract more women to VET.
They introduced us to their awesome group called Women & Tools. That is definatly one of the ideas that we are going to implement in our school!
First impressions of students:
“I am very happy for the first day of work. The employees are very kind and ready to teach us and guide us in the tasks they have given us, which are great for my development as a programmer.”
Sara Hodzić
“ I believe that this beginning has set firm foundations for the development of our personal and professional growth. We had an opportunity to work with PLC (programmable logic controller) and get an insight into building scalable projects.”
Luka Trbović
“Today was my first day of school here in Denmark.We were given a task in a field of electronics that we had to complete in two hours that included using and programming PLC.The lessons were so good,the time was passing fast we didnt relise it was time to go home.”
Jelena Mijatović
“ Today’s day was very interesting,I’ve learned some new things,we have programed a PLC which can be very useful in practice,and I am very satisfied with today’s work.”
Ilija Marinković
Halfway through
Before the first group of teachers said goodbye to their friends (because that’s exactly what we became) we held an evaluation meeting. The best part of the meeting was actually that both teachers and students were completely free to talk about everything – both good and bad things and make suggestions to our hosts who were ready to meet us for everything! And we want to transfer this way of cooperation and communication to our school. The students showed their impressions not only by talking but also through video material that they diligently recorded during two weeks, so we could see that in addition to hard work, they also enjoyed walks and having a good time not only through Randers but also through Aarhus, which they visited several times with friends from Albania but also from Spain (with students they met in dormitory).
March 2022.
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
Opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” March 22, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The first opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”