Lets VET together
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
In the spring of 2022, four teachers and four students from “Shaban Spahija” in Peje, Kosovo, will participate in a mobility to Denmark as an activity of the project “VET4WB”. The students will go for four weeks and the teachers for two weeks.
On the 15th November 2021, a meeting was held at the school in Peje to inform teachers, parents of students interested in the mobility, representatives from companies and other local stakeholders about the project.
During the meeting, the project VET4WB was presented by the Danish coordinator, and the representatives from the Danish college that will host the mobility, TRADIUM, informed about what will be the content of the four weeks in Denmark for the students from Kosovo: There will be classes with Danish students, internship at private companies as well as social and cultural activities. About 25 persons took part in the meeting.
Another activity of the project VET4WB will be training of teachers in the four Western Balkan countries participating in the project. On of the topics of the training in Kosovo will be career counselling and a meeting was held between the career counselors of Shaban Spahija and the career counselor, Bjarne Lauridsen, from the Danish project partner TRADIUM, who will be one of the persons responsible for the training in Kosovo.
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
Opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” March 22, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The first opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”