Lets VET together
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
In the period from 24. to 28.10.2022., the “Development in Soft Skills for the benefit of education skills in VET” training was held at the electrical engineering school “Vaso Aligrudić” in Podgorica by trainers from the Netherlands, Monique Hanekamp and Peter van Engen.
The training was attended by 12 teachers and a school pedagogist. Considering the excellent preparation of both sides (both trainers and teachers), everyone involved was ready for intensive work from the very beginning.
Teachers who attended the training are:
Aleksandar Obradović, Alen Adilović, Ana Delić, Danka Markuš, Jelena Babić, Jelena Bogićević, Marija Žeželj Kitaljević, Marina Braletić, Milanka Stanišić, Mileva Lučić, Radmila Čogurić i Radovan Božović and with them was school pedagogist Selma Šabotić.
In agreement with the school coordinators and the project managers during the few weeks of preparation, the trainers designed targeted training for this work group and distributed the topics over 5 days of training. The objectives of the training were:
After several online meetings, the trainers and school coordinator and project manager Marina Braletić and Danka Markuš agreed on the details and agenda of the visit.
Every day, the working group had special assignments and topics that they overcome through working interactive games and very dynamic presentations.
On the first day, we paid the most attention to the vision of education and how, through improving cooperation and insight into our qualities and pitfalls, we can develop a common vision of learning and education in our school. We learned the rules of the Golden circle of education – Why, How and What, which we will apply throughout the training and hopefully later.
Game of the day – cards „what are your qualities”
The second day was marked by the importance of teambuilding. After we got introduced with the Theory of pedagogical relationship and Theory of Motivation in the first part of the day, in the second part of the day we actually built team spirit through a series of interactive tasks. It was a great idea to spend that day outdoors, in nature.
Game of the day – impossible to choose one 😊
Although the first two days were very intensive, the work group readily welcomed the third day of training.
The third day was spent learning new things about feedback, its importance, the various ways in which we can implement it and the tasks through which we practiced how to achieve it. In addition, we learned how much didactic coaching has a positive influence on the learning process and saw the process of learning step by step, analyzing and correcting mistakes in order to complete the task.
Game of the day – Let’s build that tower
On the fourth day, we learned about agile methodology. The focus point of the day was the implementation of all stages of SCRUM framework into practice (backlog, planning, sprint, part of product, sprint retrospective). While working on this task, we mostly found ourselves in the role of students because this is something completely new for most teachers. We devoted one sprint to reviewing the Vision of learning and through a short discussion we agreed on how to improve it.
Game of the day – Cross the line.
On the fifth day, in addition to the important Dissemination of the project and trainers message in the school viber group for all employees of the school, the Students arena had the greatest importance. We have seen how important it is to listen to students, their needs, praise and criticism.
In the end, we did a Reflection on day and total training, drew a network for further expansion and agreed on how and by when we will do the tasks and get the certificates.
We started each day with a booster game and ended it with evaluation and feedback. Through a total of 26 completed assigments, some easier and some a little more difficult, we learned a lot not only about ways to upgrade our skills, improve the way we teach, raise cooperation with colleagues to a higher level… we learned a lot about ourselves and that is one of the main goals. During the entire training, the game “The Landstadeclips” continued, in which we shared clips with each other whenever we felt that someone deserved it because of what they did, said, fulfilled and the like. In this way, we actually encouraged each other and showed how much we value each other.
This is actually just the beginning and we hope that there will be more such trainings.
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
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