Lets VET together
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
Twelve people from Albania took part in the training: Eight people from “Hysen Çela” school in Durres and four people from “Hamdi Bushati” school in Shkodër.
The course was scheduled to last 5 days, but due to the fact that Wednesday was a national holiday, it was decided to extend each of the sessions of the remaining 4 days and therefore reach the total number of hours planned (30 hours). During the training also, the program was adapted to the participants needs in order to make it more interesting and useful. The main adaptation was due to the fact that most teachers instead of marketing background had a Hospitality/Tourism background.
During all the training different activities to practice soft skills, and that can also be implemented with students, were carried out.
The training started with a presentation of all participants and an expectation activity. In brief we can say that expectations of participants were the following:
● Learn from European experiences.
● Share experiences with colleagues from other schools.
● Lear about how to participate in European projects.
● Learn about students’ mobility.
The first day the training was focused on the competences a VET student should gain throughout his/her education in order to become an “ideal employee” for the companies.
Communication skills, teamwork skills, personal hygiene and motivation were the concepts more frequently mentioned, reflecting that businesses’ needs are more oriented to soft skills rather than technical ones regardless of the country.
During the second day the training focused on the different levels of VET courses in Hospitality and Tourism fields.
Beginning with the presentation of the courses offered at CDEA and followed by the presentation of the courses offered at the Albanian schools the session continued with the experience exchange to identify common aspects and challenges.
This session was very successful and Albanian teachers showed great interest in further information about how hospitality/tourism courses were implemented and the methodology used.
Due to the high participation and interest shown during the previous days, the third day was a “clearing up doubts” session focused on expanding the topics of the previous sessions focusing mainly on contents and methodology.
Regarding contents, a wide comparison and discussion of the Albanian and Spanish curricula was carried out. And in terms of methodology, ETHAZI methodology was widely explained, through all the steps.
This session was specially enriching due to the great participation of the Albanian teachers and the experiences they shared.
The session ended with an introduction of Entrepreneurship, the topi of the last training day.
The last day started with a tour in “Hysen Çela” school. We could visit the different. We were able to visit the different areas with the director of the center and meet other teachers who were not attending the training.
Once the tour was finished, the main topic of this session was Entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship is a very important module for every VET course, not related to Business Administration in the Basque Country. This means that any VET student in the Basque Country gains at least a basic knowledge of entrepreneurship.
The session was focused on the methodology used in the Entrepreneurship module and the importance of basque institutions in promoting entrepreneurship.
The training course ended with filling in evaluation questionnaires and having oral evaluation. The overall conclusion is that participants were very satisfied with the training and showed their willingness to continue collaborating in other activities. Participants highly appreciated the activities carried out every day to practice soft skills.
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
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