Lets VET together
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica, organized by Secondary School for Electrical Engineering”Vaso Aligrudić” the as part of the
VET 4 Western Balkans project
The conference was attended by 50 participants, representatives of professional schools, companies, as well as the rest of the local community, the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation, the VET Centre, the Bureau for Education Services, the NGO sector, University, institutions for adult education.
Click on the agenda below
Introductory remarks were given by Mr. Ersan Spahić, the director of the Secondary School for Electrical Engineering “Vaso Aligrudić,” who spoke about the importance of this project and vocational education itself. Following his remarks, Ms. Bodil Mygind Madson, the project manager of the “VET 4 Western Balkans” project, addressed the attendees via video link.
The conference was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation (MESI). The State Secretary of the Ministry, Ms. Marijeta Barjaktarović Lanzardi, gave a speech on the importance of vocational education, officially opening the conference.
The school project coordinator, Ms. Marina Braletić, shared her experiences gained through this project, which has been successfully implemented for over three years, highlighting the project’s achievements and activities to date. In addition to talking about realized mobilities, international meetings, participation in the EfVET conference, the importance of the meeting of representatives of ministries in Copenhagen and other numerous activities, she presented the learning platform and its courses. Among the trainings held, she highlighted the training for writing projects whose results are already visible – completed applications for the next Regional Challenge Fund call.
Professor Ms. Zorana Latković from the Art School for Music and Ballet “Vasa Pavić” spoke about the children’s opera “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” which was realized in collaboration between secondary vocational schools with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation, Bureau for Education Services, Vocational Education Center and VET4WB.
Mr. Ivan Šoć, the founder of Five Group, also spoke at the conference, providing participants with concrete examples of the results of collaboration between the private and educational sectors and the importance of vocational education from the private sector’s perspective. Additionally, the “3D City” project, whose foundations were laid through this project, was presented.
Due to his inability to attend the conference in person, Mr. Sven Dominković, the Regional Coordinator for the Regional Challenge Fund (RCF), addressed the attendees via video link and express gratitude to VET4WB project for promoting VET education.
The conference featured a panel discussion on the topic: “Challenges and Opportunities through Promotion and Projects in Vocational Education,” with panelists Mr. Duško Bošković (Center for Vocational Education), Ms. Ljiljana Garić (Center for Vocational Education), Ms. Nataša Mitrić (School for Secondary and Higher Vocational Education “Sergej Stanić”), and Ms. Marina Braletić (Electrical Engineering School “Vaso Aligrudić”)..
Following this was a panel discussion on “The Impact of Advanced Technologies on Education and the Labor Market,” with speakers Mr. Ivan Šoć (Five Group), Mr. Vladimir Kitaljević (Directorate for Development and Investments EPCG), Mr. Radoslav Tomić (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), and Mr. Jugoslav Radović (NGO Center for Youth Education).
A guest from the Netherlands, Anamarie Verbeek, founder of the NGO Picaflor International was attending the conference and express her will to make collaboration in the future.
What particularly excites us is that VET 4 Western Balkans will continue to actively promote the importance of vocational education and support activities that contributeto its advancement through a future NGO VET FOR WESTERN BALKANS.
The music was prepared by the chamber ensemble of the students of the “Vasa Pavić” school, and the conference was accompanied by Zeppelin and video material that is proudly used by the Public Institutions of Montenegro.
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
Opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” March 22, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The first opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”