Lets VET together
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
The project “VET for West Balkans” aims to support and contribute to processes that will improve as well as modernize VET systems in the participating Western Balkan nations: Bosnia Hercegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Albania.
As part of the project the educational institution Tradium located in Randers Denmark, has with great delight welcomed four students from Kosovo: Odeta Haxhihasani, Ori Spahija, Gentijan Lajqi, Anes Sheremeti 31st October – 12th November 2022. Moreover, Tradium also had the privilege to welcome the four Kosovo teachers: Mjellma and Semiha 12th October – 26th November 2022, and Xhemajli and Ramo from 14th November – 25th November 2022.
Before their arrival the students and teachers wrote down their expectations, which made us able to create a program that would meet their expectations.
Students’ expectations:
Teachers’ expectations:
On their first day Monday the 31st of October the Kosovo students were shown around the Tradium campus and were introduced to the teachers who would oversee their tutoring during their mobility. The students had all prepared a presentation of themselves and their country, which made us not only gain more knowledge about the students’ personal aspirations, and profile, but also their nation’s history, and educational system.
On their second day at Tradium college the students were instructed in making a video diary. The video diary they were instructed to make would be presented on their third day, Wednesday 2nd November. The video would contain a presentation of themselves, their country, and their education which they would present to a class of Danish students.
On Thursday the 3rd and Friday the 4th the students were instructed in making a video of Tradium Dormitory for future incoming students & staff, which they were assigned to present to the staff on their last day at campus.
On the weekend the 5th and 6th November the students and teachers had their own free time, which they used on exploring Randers city. Here they went to dinner at Hvidsten Kro, which is a royally privileged inn build in 1634, and one of Randers oldest inns.
Monday the 7th of November on their second week at Tradium, the students took the bus to Tradium’s technical department located at Blommevej 40 8930 Randers. Here they were introduced to Per Andersen who would teach them in their field of education IT (information technology).
During their second week at Tradium (7th November – 11th November) the students took part in classes at the technical department where they focused on coding, IT, and materials. Moreover, they got time to work on their video presentation and had lessons in Danish language and culture.
On their third week, Monday 14th November the students and teachers took a trip to the Energy Museum located in Aarhus Denmark.
During their second week at Tradium (7th November – 11th November) the students took part in classes at the technical department where they focused on coding, IT, and materials. Moreover, they got time to work on their video presentation and had lessons in Danish language and culture.
On the 25th of November the students showed their video assignment where they presented Tradium college. Every student and teacher were involved and presented in the video they had created. Afterwards each student gave a presentation about their stay at Tradium Randers. Here they used what they had learned from the Danish lectures they had received, and thus the entire speech was given in Danish.
Lets VET together May 28, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The “Let’s VET Together” Conference was held on May 28, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica,
Opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” March 22, 2024| Podgorica, Montenegro The first opera for children “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”